New Meetups

I recently received an email from Kris Hardy, a local Python developer.
He has a number of new Meetups on the horizon and I wanted to make sure
people knew about them. Here’s his message.

Hi all,

I wanted to let you know about some monthly meetups that I will be
starting in February. If you know of anyone who might be interested in
any of these, it would be awesome if you would forward the info along to
them. 🙂

First Monday of the Month, 6-8 PM at Quelab: ABQpy (Albuquerque Python
User’s Group) – A free & open meeting for anyone that uses or is
interested in using the Python programming language. We discuss the
Python language, libraries, projects, open-source code, web applications
and deployment,
and anything else that interests us. The meetings usually involve
talks, open discussion and/or hacking sessions.


Third Monday of the Month, 6-8 PM at Quelab: ABQagile (Agile Software
Development) – A free & open meeting for anyone that uses or is
interested in agile software development. We discuss software
development methodologies, software architecture, test-driven
development, extreme programming, project management, and using
agile/lean for software, firmware and hardware projects. The meetings
are expected to involve talks, Q&As and tutorials.


Fourth Monday of the Month, 6-8 PM at Quelab: DC505 (DEF CON Group 505:
Security Research & Ethical Hacking Group) – A free & open meeting for
anyone that is involved in or is interested in hardware or software
hacking, similar to what you might experience in a Defcon village. (This
was inspired by my experience in the Defcon IoT village and the
CTF competitions). The subject matter will include vulnerabilities,
exploitation, software and hardware reverse engineering, tools, crypto,
tutorials, CTF challenges, and anything else that is sufficiently crazy
and interesting.

